I cannot believe that I was able to stay in such a beautiful city, Rishikesh, for more than one month! It’s a city where the Yoga was born (I was honoured to be there), and I am going to guide you through the mystery Rishikesh’s experience and useful advice such as Accommodation, attractions, food, etc.

You can see a statue of Lord Shiva placed on the river Ganga,
Famous Lord Shiva situated in front of the Parmarth Niketan.

Foreigner in Rishikesh alias funny video with a loop of the city

The best “hotel” in Rishikesh with reasonable price

I’ll be honest with you, do not expect such luxury accommodation. Be ready that you will have a problem with finding a good wifi connection and warm water.

Straight to the point, I would recommend you Hotel Crest (you can see it in the video 1:38). It’s cheap, and the staff is friendly. I paid for one night 200 rupee, which is €2.3. Everything is close by. Restaurants alias little coffee shops like Beatles Cafe or Oasis Cafe, and German Bakery are 2 mins away.

Triveni Ghat – Famous statue about the legend Lord Krisna. It situated on the bank of river Ganga, and if you go there and take a bath, you will be lucky.

You can get very pleasant tea in front of your hotel (I would call it hostel instead) or get a huge breakfast, lunch or dinner. And if you do not know how long you will stay there, they are very flexible. You can pay every day ahead by cash.

Find cheap accommodation for long-term on Facebook

Another way how to find a place where to stay in Rishikesh is through Facebook. There are two very active groups: Rishikesh Community and, Rishikesh Yogis Community. If you write there, people will help you, or you get a cheap flat for €200 or €300 a month from Indian citizen (Prize can be even less, but since Yoga has begun popular, prices went higher.

A good price for renting a motorbike

You might need a motorbike for one month. It’s also good to ask the Facebook community if there is someone who can rent you a motorbike. Or you can visit Bike Rental Rishikesh website and ask them. They have good reviews and quality motorbikes. Because for example, if you plan to go to Haridwar or visit local landscapes, the motorcycle will be handy.

Sometimes you can wonder how people like him are really happy. From that, you can see how Rishikesh is a peaceful city.

Where to find a good wifi connection in Rishikesh

You might say, why would I need wifi in Rishikesh, right? But if you are travelling Nomad, you would need a good connection. So when I was in Rishikesh, I was working in coffee shops, and the best wifi wherein those two spots are:

Honey Hut the nature’s cafe – there are two Honey Hut coffees. One of them is close to Ram Jhula and the other one, close to Laxman Jhula bridge. It’s a kind of luxury coffee, and you can comfortably work there.

Which restaurant or coffee shops are the best for food

When you arrive at Rishikesh, you will see plenty of restaurants, coffee shops, or local food places. It might be terrifying for you because two many options and you do not know which one to choose, or you might like to try different places every day.

It’s in Tapovan area where you can find many vegetarian resturants.

I was lucky because my Indian friend showed me the best quality food places like Hot Plate Reatuarant/Cafe, Ganga Beach Cafe, Soul Kitchen, Chotiwala, Tip Top Restaurant and Ramana’s Organic Cafe!

The most tasty and colorful sweets in Rishikesh

If you are a fan of sweet food (I assume that we all are fans), you have to visit The Juice House, where you can get the most delicious porridge which I have ever eaten (It’s seen in the video 10:34). You can also go to Ganga Beach Cafe, there is a good variety of sweets as well.

The most delicious porridge with plenty of sweets and fruits from the Juice House.
Do you see it? I didn’t lie at all… It’s such colourful porridge and the taste?! Incredible!

Only if you want to do a good gesture in Rishikesh

I have to mention one organic restaurant (you can see it in the video 9:14) where orphanages live and help to grow the food. You can get tasty, healthy eating and support the children. There is a friendly atmosphere where you can meet people and also watch movies almost every night.

You can find a work in orphanage restaurant

The most beautiful thing about Rishikesh is that you can find work everywhere. People like you from Europe or the USA can be helpful in all India in General. And as a return for your help, you can get free accommodation, food and smiles everywhere. So yes, that Orphanage restaurant always searches for volunteers, just go there and ask.

Kids are dancing and playing in the orphanage garden. They wear a red uniform.
When we were there, they were practising kind of dance. If you go there, it’s a life experience.

Where to go for a party in Rishikesh

I don’t know about you, but I like to live! Even apart from that Rishikesh is the city full of Yoga, people, mostly foreigners know how to hang out! You can meet very interesting people every day/every night.

You usually meet foreigners who take very demanding Yoga teaching classes and go to the coffees to relax. There is a very nice atmosphere with the smell of marijuana. By the way, the alcohol is forbidden so it’s difficult to find any. But if you really want to find one, ask Indian local people.

Many international flags are painted on the wall. You can see also Bob Marley, who is smoking joint.
From the picture, you can see that Rishikesh belongs to the international cities. I hope you can find your flag on the wall as well.

Live music is almost every night

I would recommend you during your visit checking nightlife in the places like Tree House Cafe, Moksa Cafe, Royal Cafe and Little Buddha Cafe. Mostly every night, you can experience life bands. The bands or random musician come to hang out and jam almost every night. They sometimes give away flyers around the city, so you will be informed before.

What interesting things you can do in Rishikesh

When I was there I’d been getting bored. So I was searching for entertainment. One of the very popular activities in Rishikesh is rafting. You can raft a river Ganga. You can find a local travelling company who will provide you with a little adventure on the famous Ganga.

Rishikesh rafting on the river Ganga

You can see Beatles Ashram in Rishikesh

One of the famous places in Rishikesh is “Beatles Ashram.” Why the Beatles Ashram? It used to be a meditation centre where the Beatles studied Transcendental Meditation technique. You can see plenty of pictures of the Beatles over there. The atmosphere of the place is incredible. You can feel and see what I am talking about in the video International Yoga Festival 2019 in Rishikesh.

A girl posing for a picture under the big dome in Beatles Ashram.
You can take many beautiful pictures (My yoga friend Ella from France) at Beatles ashram.

You can go Trekking / Camping in Himalayas

One of the big advantages of Rishikesh is travelling agencies. The agencies can provide you with beautiful trekking into the Himalayas and other interesting destinations (. Not only travelling agencies but also local Indian people like to show their own beautiful landscapes.

Four people are posing for a picture and behind them, there is a river Ganga .
You can see River Ganga behind us (good yoga friends of mine)

I remember, one of my friends, she fell in love with an Indian guy who took her into the wild forest. She was lucky to see many typical Indian villages where people rarely see any foreigners. She became a god for them. She also experienced snow in May.